Developing Website Monitoring Sytem Architecture using AWS
Website Monitoring
Website Monitoring is an all-encompassing term for any activity that involves testing a website / web service for availability, performance, or function. It checks and verifies that the site is up and working and end-users can use the site as expected.
Objective of the project
To create an architecture of real time website monitoring system that will provide functionality to test availability and performance of website by streaming and analysing logs, and trigger Lambda in case of any event or end-to-end testing which will be deployed using AWS services. The system also aims at storing copy of all the error messages in Aurora MySQL for aggregated views in the future.
Real World Business Use Case
In some common shopping retail e-commerce website like Amazon/Flipkart, sales for the product go up remarkably high maybe because of some limited time offer period or if the site is being misued by attackers doing phishing or fraudulent activity with order requests. In such cases, website monitoring system can provide a solution that can identify any such unusual activity in terms of maximum orders(which is set to 15) placed in every 15 seconds using AWS real-time streaming and processing systems. As an additional functionality, the system can be integrated with feature that can check if the orders are authentic and take action like increase the number of backend servers for processing or block the IP address from order placing, etc.
Media Streaming services such as Netflix uses such system to monitor the communications between all of its applications so it can detect and fix issues quickly, ensuring high service uptime and availability to its customers.
Technologies used
- AWS Kinesis
- AWS EC2 Instance
- AWS Lambda
- Amazon Aurora
- Amazon Dynamo DB
- Amazon SNS
System Architecture
Amazon EC2 acts as website backend generating server logs
Kinesis DataStreams reads the server logs in real time and pushes it to Kinesis Data Analytics for doing computation(more than 30 orders/15 sec) and pushes it to DynamoDB via lambda for storing raw website logs
We create a second stream in Data Analytics that actually notes such floods for past 1 minute and then send only messages to 2nd Data stream if the trend is noted at least once in last 1 min. This step is purely added to reduce number of notifications received in case of spike.
Second data stream is used to receive such alarm records and trigger lambda
Lambda triggers SNS notification which in turn delivers a SMS message. It saves the copy of all the error messages in Aurora MySQL for aggregated view in future
Amazon Kinesis
Kinesis Data Analytics
Amazon Kinesis is an fully-managed data analytic AWS service that enables us to ingest, buffer, and process streaming data in real-time for machine learning, analytics, and other applications. It helps to process and analyze data as it arrives and respond instantly instead of having to wait until all your data is collected before the processing can begin. It includes pre-built SQL functions for several advanced analytics including one for anomaly detection where we ccan simply make a call to this function from SQL code for detecting anomalies in real-time. This service is heavily used in end-to-end stream processing applications for log analytics, clickstream analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), ad tech, gaming, e-commerce platform, etc.
Image Source :-
AWS Kinesis works on first configuring and collecting data ftrom various input data streams such as input devices, or Amazon Kinesis data stream or Amazon Kinesis Data Firehouse, and these streams can be queried using built-in integration for SQL analytics and finally stored as output in Amazon s3 or Redshift, etc.
Kinesis Data Streams(KDS)
Amazon Kinesis Data Streams (KDS) is a massively scalable and durable real-time data streaming service which can continuously capture GBs of data/second from hundreds of thousands of sources.The data collected is available in ms to enable real-time analytics use cases such as real-time dashboards, real-time anomaly detection, dynamic pricing, etc. This works on first connecting external data source to KDS by Kinesis Agent or we can even use Firehose, Data Analytics as source data.The streamed data is divided into pre-configured shards to control the data throughput. This partitioned data can be further consumed and passed on to downstream system for analytics.
Connect EC2 Instance , install Kinesis agent and run script on it
- ssh into EC2 instance
- sudo yum install -y aws-kinesis-agent
- Replace the agent.json with following contents.
sudo vi /etc/aws-kinesis/agent.json file
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/website
sudo service aws-kinesis-agent restart
- Run file to generate the logs
Running and Processing Kinesis Analytics
In this section, once we have loaded and log stream the data into Kinesis , we will run and process the Kinesis Analytics on the stored data.
Steps to run and process the Kinesis Analytics:-
Create Kinesis Data Analytics Application from AWS console, and set Runtime as SQL.
Next, connect the Kinesis Data Stream with the previously built data stream from script.
The application , after loading the data stream , infers the schema by applying appropriate headers and fields , and returns a table. In the next step, we can also “Connect Reference Data” i.e. putting joins on our current table with the already existing data on S3(this data is mostly static and doesn’t change much).
Then, we have to open SQL editor and start running the application .
For SQL , we can refer to this blog :,downstream%20to%20your%20configured%20destinations.
WHERE order_count >=30;
order_count INTEGER,
trigger_count INTEGER);
CREATE OR REPLACE PUMP trigger_count_pump AS
SELECT STREAM order_count, trigger_count
SELECT STREAM order_count , COUNT(*) OVER W1 AS trigger_count
WHERE trigger_count >=1;
Explanation of above SQL code:-
- Firstly, we create a table name ALARM_STREAM with only one integer column i.e. order_count
- Next, code snippet shows the source for the above created table where we have chose the count of rows as a 15 second window. Hence, we store the information of order_count every 15 seconds in the table.
- In the next SQL command, we have created a second stream of the data, where we have trigger_count as input in addition to order_count. Here, we have set a 1 minute interval to trigger alarm otherwise, if someone is trying to bring the site down, we will get alarms every second. Thus, in order to avoid that, we set this time interval before we get alarm.
We also setup the Aurora MySQL (go to RDS in AWS) instance in order to hold all the alarm details over the time, so that we don’t loose track of alarms that have been triggered in the past. This is useful to evalate our cloud instance resourcees , whethere to increase/ decrease for a given month or period. For this project, we have chose “Capacity Type” as “Serverless” , and configured other related settings.After our DB is setup, we can connect AWS Secret Manager to our application.
After our DB is setup, we can run the following SQL command
use logs; create table logs_history( alarm_creation_time datetime, Number_of_orders int )
select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema='logs';
select * from logs.logs_history; //should fetch 0 rows
End to End Testing
We can setup the Dynamo DB with the basic config and run the Lambda function by initialising the lambda handler. The code for lambda_handler() is given in py file and is shown below:
Note: We have to make sure that we give Read Access for Kinesis and Amazon Dynambo DB full access to Lambda by attaching policy.
def lambda_handler(event, context):
item = None
dynamo_db = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
table = dynamo_db.Table('WebsiteOrders')
decoded_record_data = [base64.b64decode(record['kinesis']['data'])
for record in event['Records']]
deserialized_data = [json.loads(decoded_record)
for decoded_record in decoded_record_data]
with table.batch_writer(overwrite_by_pkeys=['CustomerID', 'OrderID'
]) as batch_writer:
for item in deserialized_data: